Children aged two and older must have a ticket to enter the arena. Children under two years old do not need a ticket but must sit on the accompanying adult's lap.
You must bring your certificate to The Zone (located on the west side of Van Andel Arena) and exchange it for your seats. Only originals will be accepted, and we suggest you redeem the certificate at least one week before your desired game. The Zone is open Monday-Friday, 10 - 6 pm, and Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm, during the hockey season.
Click here to view our ticket policies.
The Van Andel Arena has adopted a NO BAGS policy. The No-bag policy reduces contact between guests and security staff by eliminating the need to search for these items. This is part of ongoing efforts to promote a contact-free experience.
Note medical bags, diaper bags, and small clutches no larger than 4.5" x 6.5" will be permitted, as will bags used for carrying skates into the arena during games featuring a post-game skate. Bags in the medical/essential category will be screened in a secondary screening area. This policy is subject to change.
Group Tickets
A Griffins group outing is for ten or more people looking to experience an exciting and memorable Griffins game together. Griffins groups include families, friends, businesses, community organizations, employee groups, holiday parties, alum associations, sports teams, and youth groups. Click here for the Groups Tickets page.
Yes. Your group can save up to $6 off the box office price plus zero service fees. Your savings per ticket is dependent upon the size of your group.
Yes. Select nights offers FREE $5 concession vouchers, dollar concession specials, and premium giveaway items.
Standard features include a video board welcome, Griffins group raffle (one winner per group), and a group leader disposable camera. Zamboni rides may also be booked through a group outing.
Yes. We annually host theme nights for groups like scouts, schools, churches, and youth hockey associations. We annually host a weekday matinee game, with over 5,000 students from all over West Michigan in attendance.
Yes. Ten or more people make up a Griffins birthday party, complete with a video board announcement and an in-seat visit from Griff or Finn.
Group outings can raise thousands of dollars through fundraising programs like the Throw for Dough and national anthem performances. Youth hockey teams can play at the Van Andel Arena before a Griffins' Saturday game or during an intermission. Businesses looking to entertain clients can rent one of four exclusive Griffins hospitality areas.
It's easy as 1-2-3!
1) Contact the Griffins group sales department at (616) 774-4585
2) Your personal account executive will walk you through selecting a game date and reserving tickets for your group. We will even offer tools to help you promote your event.
3) A deadline will be set, providing you time to collect ticket totals and payment. Payments can be made over the phone or in person at the Griffins office.
If you are interested in riding the Zamboni, please call the team office at (616) 774-4585 or watch for contests on the Griffins' Facebook and Twitter pages.
A creature from Greek mythology that possesses the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. The Griffins' nickname was adopted on November 20, 1995.
Guests are welcome to bring cameras into Van Andel Arena for Griffins games for personal/non-commercial use, providing they conform to the following regulations. Still, cameras must not have a lens that extends over 80 mm or a detachable lens over 80 mm. Pocket-sized video recording devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras, and flip cams, are permitted. Anyone wishing to use a still camera with a lens more significant than 80 mm or to record video with a camcorder or larger video camera must request and be approved for a credential by the Griffins public relations department. Guests must not stand in the aisles or obstruct the view of others while taking pictures or video, and tripods, monopods, and other camera support pods are not permitted. Flash photography and the use of lights on video recording devices are prohibited. The Griffins reserve the right to remove guests not cooperating with this policy.
To request a donation, please mail or fax a letter of request to the Griffins with "Attn: Donation Request" on the letterhead of the organization holding the fundraiser. Please include in the letter all pertinent details regarding the event (date/time, what the event will benefit, tax ID number if applicable, etc.). Please note that the Griffins receive many requests for donations, so not all requests can be fulfilled.
We would happily send pocket schedules once they become available, typically before the season starts in September. To request a pocket schedule, please mail a letter of request, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:
Grand Rapids Griffins
Attn: Pocket Schedule Request
130 W. Fulton, Suite 111
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Requests for magnet schedules and other team memorabilia cannot be fulfilled, as these items are either used for promotional giveaways or are sold at The Zone. Pocket schedule requests made by phone or email without an accompanying SASE will not be fulfilled.
You must have tickets to the game before you can arrange for a Griff or Finn visit. Please call (616) 774-4585 ext. 3024 with your seat location to arrange the visit at least two weeks before the game. A $25 donation to the Griffins Youth Foundation is required.
To sing the national anthem(s) at a Griffins game, you must send a recording of yourself performing to:
Grand Rapids Griffins
Attn: National Anthem
130 W. Fulton, Suite 111
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Recordings may also be submitted by emailing an mp3 file to griff@griffinshockey.com with the subject line: National Anthem. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address with the recording.
To request to have your birthday or anniversary announced at a Griffins game, please click Group Interest Form and fill in the requested information.
No. Training camp spots are by invitation only.