Eclectic Thoughts:
With my first blog entry, I just want to take some time out to introduce myself to the Grand Rapids Griffins fans who might read my blog. I cannot promise entertaining dialogue, but I can promise an erratic thought process, with the distinct possibility that I am not even able to follow my own thoughts. Thus, I thought I would keep it simple and describe myself and my life.
I was born April 21, 1979 in the greatest city in the world, Boston, Mass. I am a Red Sox fan, although it is difficult at this very moment, as they are getting beat pretty good by the Cleveland Indians right now 6-0. However, Boston has all you could ask for: a major hub, with great nightlife and you are only moments away from great beaches. This is why I put it down as my favorite place to vacation – plus, I am not a very good driver nor am I a fearless flier, so leaving the state I grew up in becomes very difficult at times.
My parents are Robert, a retired police officer, and Anne Marie, a retired teacher. We were very much a blue-collar family, at least my parents and two sisters. I have not had a 9-to-5 job yet. I was a landscaper at my high school, St. Sebastian's, but I was fired. I painted the side of an ice rink with paint thinner; I did not know the difference. I put a case of paint upside down in the janitor’s truck and it leaked, causing the bed of his own personal vehicle to be covered with white paint. Luckily, even though I have limited street smarts, I am fairly intelligent – emphasis on fairly.
I have two sisters. Stephanie is thirty; she was born with brain damage. This really has not limited her, as she has amassed hundreds of medals from the Special Olympics. She certainly is my athletic hero. Kristin is the sister that I most looked up to as a child though. She is the reason that I play hockey. I followed her to the rink and actually started to figure skate because of her. She is a school psychologist and because of her I have a beautiful niece, Mia, who loves to scream into the telephone.
I really do not know where to go from here. I went to Boston University to play hockey. I always wanted to compete and play in the Beanpot as a kid and I was able to accomplish both of those at school. I majored in Political Science. I always thought that I would be going to law school, but that has not materialized so far. My mother always told me that I could aggravate anyone into a confession, so I hope that I still have those skills when I am done playing hockey.
In college I started dating my wife Christine. We actually were second grade Communion partners. At our wedding we had photos of the two of us from second grade. My dad actually had my tie professionally cut for the Communion, but it was far too short, you would have to see the photo to fully grasp how bad it was. So I got married to Christine on July 28, 2006. We do not have any children as of yet, but we do have a very lazy and loud 4-year-old Beagle, Max. He pretty much is what we live for. He gets lots of walks but even more food. He is pretty hefty, which makes for difficult sleeping arrangements, because he loves to sleep on my head, now. That is where I am at now.
I am sorry that this has not been too much about hockey, but I figured since we are going to be forming a relationship over the next few months you might want to know a little bit more about me. I hope that anyone that reads this is not afraid to share their thoughts with me and ask me any questions, for I am open to any suggestions. As you can tell, I am very inexperienced at this blogging thing.
As for this year, we have a very exciting team. We have a great group of guys, but more importantly, we have two excellent goalies in Jimmy Howard and Adam Berkhoel. I hope to see a lot of people at this week's home opener. I have heard great things about the crowds from former players and I look forward to playing in front of you guys this year. I appreciate your time and I can honestly say that these will get a whole lot better.