50/50 Raffle
Grand Rapids Griffins Youth Foundation 50/50 Raffle
Established in 1995, the Griffins Youth Foundation promotes academic excellence, community involvement and healthy lifestyles among the youth of West Michigan, enhancing their lives through hockey and ice-related sports.
Every Ticket Helps
The key role of the Griffins 50/50 Jackpot raffle program is to create community awareness of our Youth Foundation to generate funds for its many programs and other selected local charities while enjoying Griffins hockey at Van Andel Arena.
Game Date | Amount Raised | Raffle Prize Money | Winning Number | Winner |
3/22/25 | $4,865 | $2,432.50 | E-2007567 | Bart Zervoudakis |
3/21/25 | $3,230 | $1,615 | D-1358468 | Portasue Hendrickson |
3/14/25 | $2,820 | $1,410 | H-1781232 | Thomas Goralski Jr. |
3/12/25 | $1,430 | $715 | B-1001802 | Adam Casari |
3/1/25 | $5,205 | $2,602.50 | A-2135616 | Victoria Wallace |
2/23/25 | $3,255 | $1,627.50 | Z-2739760 | Kristin Schumacher-Smith |
2/21/25 | $3,315 | $1,657.50 | Y-2260513 | Amy Bishop-Funk |
2/19/25 | $2,660 | $1,330 | X-2263251 | Sharon Marie McGaharan |
2/12/25 | $1,975 | $987.50 | W-1439962 | Dean Zelenak |
2/1/25 | $5,190 | $2,595 | V-2675361 | Dylan Tate |
1/31/25 | $4,115 | $2,057.50 | U-1664758 | Matthew Mincey |
1/29/25 | $1,720 | $860 | T-2342964 | Kevin Kuipers |
1/18/25 | $3,180 | $1,590 | S-1207857 | Brandon Buffin |
1/17/25 | $3,380 | $1,690 | R-2149699 | Briana Heyboer |
1/15/25 | $2,255 | $1,127.50 | Q-1687065 | David Doorlag |
1/11/25 | $4,785 | $2,392.50 | P-1340054 | Nicholas James Nankervis |
1/10/25 | $3,320 | $1,660 | O-2166637 | Roger Kent Crass |
12/31/24 | $7,550 | $3,775 | N-2260600 | Clayton Boerigter |
12/22/24 | $3,110 | $1,555 | M-1992628 | Benjamin Blaszak |
12/20/24 | $2,995 | $1,497.50 | L-2446549 | Joshua Bailey |
12/6/24 | $2,395 | $1,197.50 | K-2218817 | David Service Jr. |
12/1/24 | $2,365 | $1,182.50 | J-2238218 | Stephen Smart |
11/29/24 | $3,495 | $1,747.50 | I-2554493 | Casey Brown |
11/24/24 | $1,515 | $757.50 | H-1788512 | Ben Rabourn |
11/22/24 | $2,610 | $1,305 | G-2020207 | Dan Itzenthaler |
11/15/24 | $4,350 | $2,175 | F-2542411 | Andrew Skiver |
11/1/24 | $3,025 | $1,512.50 | D-2214337 | Elizabeth Green |
10/19/24 | $2,645 | $1,322.50 | C-2700951 | Logan Brusak |
10/18/24 | $2,715 | $1,357.50 | B-2235006 | Erik Varvir |
10/11/24 | $4,750 | $2,375 | A-2783243 | Sarah Loniecki-Kelly |
50/50 Raffle Rules
- Participants must be 18 years or older to purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket
- Unauthorized persons copying, selling, or altering tickets are subject to prosecution
- The cash prize will be paid to the winner by check within 30 days of the date the prize is claimed (federal tax withholding may apply)
- The designated 50/50 raffle ticket is the only valid receipt for claiming a prize
- Prizes will be held and may be claimed up to 60 days after the date of the raffle
The Game Plan
- 50/50 Raffle Tickets will be sold from the time arena doors open until the conclusion of the second intermission or longer.
- If a game does not start on time, raffle tickets will be sold for approximately three hours from the time arena doors open.
- Tickets will be on sale throughout the arena concourse and at the 50/50 raffle kiosk stations at the top of the stairs off the main lobby.
- All tickets are sold: 5 for $5, 20 for $10, and 80 for $20
- One winning ticket will be selected for each game. The winner will win 50% of the pool collected that game through selling raffle tickets and less operating expenses.
- The remaining proceeds will go to the Grand Rapids Youth Foundation and may be shared between select local charities.
- The winning ticket will be announced during the third period of the game over the public address system and posted at Guest Services.
- To complete the winner's paperwork, the winning ticket should be presented at the Guest Services Office on the main concourse behind section 104.
- If the winning ticket is being claimed after the day of the game, please call the Griffins office at (616) 774-4585 during regular business hours to make arrangements.
- For more information or questions, please call the Griffins offices at (616) 774-4585 during business hours.
House Rules
Tickets used in a licensed raffle, except those used for in-house raffles (see In-house Raffles), must contain specific information. Raffle Rule R 432.21506 requires that each ticket have, at a minimum, the following details printed clearly and legibly:
- The name of the licensee. Only the licensee can be listed as the sponsor of the raffle.
- The license number.
- The word “raffle.”
- The date, time, and location of the drawing.
- The price of the raffle ticket.
- A unique sequential identification number on the raffle ticket and ticket stub.
- The top prize or other information as directed by the bureau.
The organization conducting the raffle shall establish and adhere to house rules for the conduct of their raffle. The organization shall either post the house rules at the raffle or have them available in sufficient quantity to distribute to all interested persons. To see what is required, refer to Raffle Rule R 432.21510, which addresses house rules.
R 432.21510 House rules.
Rule 510.
(1) The licensee shall establish and adhere to its house rules for the conduct of the raffle. At a minimum, the house rules shall contain all of the following information:
(a) The licensee’s name.
(b) The license number.
(c) The price of the raffle ticket.
(d) The method by which the winners will be determined and the raffle will be conducted.
(e) The contingency plan for inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances if the raffle or alternative raffle cannot be conducted as planned.
(f) The redemption claim period for charity game tickets as prescribed by R 432.21611(1)(c).
(g) The redemption claim period for numeral game tickets as prescribed by R 432.21709(1)(e).
(h) The refund policy.
(i) The effective date of the house rules.
(2) The licensee shall post the house rules in a conspicuous place or print the house rules in sufficient numbers for distribution to all interested persons.
(3) The house rules shall not be in conflict with the act, these rules, or directives of the bureau.
R 432.21516 Worker compensation.
Rule 516.
(1) The commissioner shall establish a service compensation schedule for workers.
(2) The commissioner may adjust the established service compensation schedule. If an adjustment is proposed, then the licensees shall be given 30 days to comment before the change is implemented.
(3) A worker shall not be compensated more than the amount established by the commissioner in the service compensation schedule, except as prescribed by R 432.21517.
(4) The amount established by the commissioner that may be paid to a worker is as follows:
(a) The chairperson shall be paid not more than $50.00 as of the effective date of these rules and the amount may be adjusted by the service compensation schedule not to exceed $100.00 for his or her services.
(b) All other workers, except raffle ticket sellers, shall be paid not more than $15.00 as of the effective date of these rules and the amount may be adjusted by the service compensation schedule not to exceed $50.00 for their services.
(5) Only 1 person may be paid as chairperson for each licensed gaming event.
(6) An individual may only be compensated for being either the chairperson or a worker.
(7) Compensation to workers includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:
(a) Cash or check.
(b) Anything of value.
(c) Credit towards dues, tuition, or any other items of value. Any credit given shall not exceed the limit per licensed gaming event as prescribed by this rule.
(8) In addition to the compensation as provided by sub-rule (7) of this rule, workers may also receive food and beverages consumed while working that do not exceed $10.00 in retail value.
(9) All worker compensation, other than credits, shall be paid on the day of the licensed gaming event.
(10) The names of the workers and amounts paid, including any credits as provided by sub-rule (7)(c) of this rule, shall be recorded on the workers service record for each day of the licensed gaming event or as directed in writing by the bureau.
(11) Any and all forms of worker compensation shall only be paid from the proceeds of the licensed gaming event or the financial account as prescribed by R 432.21519.
(12) All compensation shall be reported on the financial statement for the raffle or associated licensed gaming event.
R 432.21517 Raffle ticket seller’s incentive prize.
Rule 517.
(1) A raffle ticket seller’s incentive prize may be awarded if the winner is determined by any of the following methods:
(a) The winner is the top raffle ticket seller.
(b) The winner sold the winning raffle ticket.
(c) The winner is determined by a drawing.
(d) The winner is determined by a method approved in writing by the bureau.
(2) The amount of the raffle ticket seller's incentive prize shall be included in the $500.00 prize limitation for a small raffle.
(3) The raffle ticket seller’s incentive prize shall be reasonable.